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How to Run a Salesforce CPQ Deployment

Max Rudman


October 26, 2022

Learn how to easily run a Salesforce CPQ deployment using Prodly’s automation templates. Deploy CPQ records in 80 percent less time than manual deployment—while simultaneously eliminating errors.

Automate Salesforce CPQ Deployments

Few of us get excited about tedious manual labor. That’s why Prodly created the first DevOps tool for Salesforce CPQ to automate what is otherwise hours of manual, error-prone work. 

Here’s how to easily run a Salesforce CPQ deployment with Prodly’s automation:

  1. Select where the ready-to-go changes are and where they need to go—whether that’s the next org in your release path or a branch in your repository.
  2. Select whether all of CPQ needs to be deployed or just a part of CPQ (i.e. all Price Rules or a new Product)
  3. Deploy.

Prodly’s Salesforce CPQ Automation Features

Proven Templates for the Entire CPQ Configuration Data Model

Prodly DevOps comes with data set templates—think prebuilt automations—that capture the entirety of the Salesforce CPQ configuration data model. That means you can be up and running in no time. Our templates have been battle tested on over 55 million CPQ deployments.

All you have to do is make your CPQ changes in your development org, select the appropriate template—and Prodly DevOps does the rest for you. It knows all the parent-child relationships and selects them automatically for deployment. You can even deploy the entire CPQ configuration in one click using our automation templates.

Customize Data Set Templates

If you like, you can even customize data set templates to add additional relationships with configuration data.

By going deeper into the data set templates, you can get really granular as to what you want to deploy and what not. Then you can preview the deployment to make sure it has everything you need in it—and nothing else.

Temporarily Deactivate Platform Events in Salesforce

Many of our customers say their favorite feature in Prodly DevOps is the ability to temporarily deactivate—and, importantly, reactivate—platform events and automations like Validation Rules and Flows during a deployment.

While great for running your business and maintaining data hygiene in your org, these events can cause unnecessary and frustrating deployment errors during the development process. Prodly DevOps automatically reactivates the events when the deployment is completed.

Prodly’s ability to automate this during a deployment saves you heaps of time compared to manually turning events on and off. Plus, it ensures you don’t overlook an event—which could have serious consequences.

For example, if you forget to reactivate a Validation Rule, it could result in bad data being entered into the system. Or if you forget to reactivate a Flow, it could mean that a critical part of a business workflow doesn’t get executed.

Progress Report

Prodly DevOps shows you in the UI how the deployment is progressing, and it sends you an email notification when it’s complete. That way, you don’t have to keep an eye on it yourself.

Audit History

Do governance and SOX compliance keep you or your management up at night? Prodly DevOps provides automatic change tracking that provides an audit report of every change. This easily-generated audit report includes who made what changes, when, and why—and it can easily be sent, too. Your next SOX audit will fly by.

Promoting CPQ Configuration Data Changes Without Prodly

Without automation, deploying a change to your product catalog or other configuration data in Salesforce CPQ can be a complicated, painstaking, and time-consuming process.

For every root object, you have to migrate all the related objects–so both the parent and child objects—to ensure the configuration changed works when it is deployed to production.

Let’s say you’ve made changes to your Product object, which has dozens of parent and child relationships.

When you have to move the newly-configured Product records from your Developer sandbox or scratch org to integration, you also have to move related records in all those parent and child objects. And because Salesforce record IDs change between environments, you’ll need to map IDs to maintain those relationships.


For every single record. One object at a time.

Then you have to do it again when you move the changes to UAT. Manually. For every single record. One object at a time.

And again when you move them to staging.

And again when you promote them to production.

How long does this take? Hours, if not longer. Oh, and that’s assuming everything went according to plan and there weren’t any errors that required a do over.

The Market-Leading Salesforce CPQ DevOps Tool

See how easy it is to run a Salesforce CPQ deployment with Prodly DevOps compared to without?

Prodly is truly the best-in-class DevOps tool to enhance the benefits of Salesforce CPQ, and it offers even more brilliant features than described above! Our state-of-the-art platform includes work management integration, version control, effortless work deployment, and easy compliance. 

Getting up and running is a breeze—and super fast. Plus, if you have any questions at all, our support team is rated one of the best in the industry.

Discover how Prodly DevOps can streamline your Salesforce CPQ instance and accelerate your digital transformation!


Prodly Compliance Center

The gold standard for documenting SOX in Salesforce CPQ!