Deploy metadata

Metadata deployment made easy

Deploy Salesforce configuration metadata along with data—all in one go

First screen of a metadata deployment workflow in Prodly.

Get started in 45 minutes or less!

Let our experts show you how Prodly makes Salesforce metadata deployment simple!

Deploy 14x faster than change sets

  • Never waste time and resources building change sets again.
  • Quickly pinpoint changes that are ready to deploy without ever having to track changes manually.
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Filter options for metadata deployments in Prodly.

Deploy metadata and data—in one go!

  • Work faster and more efficiently by deploying data and metadata at the same time.
  • Package everything needed for a work item into one deployment—and easily maintain oversight.
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The start of the data and metadata deployment workflow.

Keep all your orgs in sync

  • Keep every org in sync by deploying metadata and data between any two environments in any direction: forward, back, or parallel.
  • Even deploy between two unrelated Salesforce orgs or from one production org to another.
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Environment details screen.
Customer testimonial

Prodly has helped us reduce our deployment errors by more than 20%, which is an important accomplishment when we’re undertaking a project that will ultimately affect our teams and customers around the world.

CPQ Team Lead at Global Cyber Security Leader

Salesforce org comparison

  • See exactly what components changed, as well as who changed them and when.
  • No XML knowledge required.
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Visual diff viewer of changed components across orgs.

All-in-one source control for Salesforce Devops

  • Level up your governance and release process for configuration data with version control.
  • Easy Git integration lets you develop in parallel, resolve conflicts easily, and roll back quickly if needed.
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Agile release management for Salesforce

Ever felt like you're juggling too many balls trying to manage Salesforce releases? Well, our agile checklist is here to turn you into a release management ninja with a proven system, fast releases, fewer bugs, and much less stress.


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Get started in 45 minutes or less!

Let our experts show you how Prodly makes Salesforce metadata deployment simple!