September 8, 2023

Dreamforce survival guide

Everything you need to know to make the most of this event

Dreamforce—the Olympics of low code/no code, the Super Bowl of tech conferences, the Comic-Con for Trailblazers. It’s a full-on, multi-day immersion into the wonderful world of Salesforce. Each year at the end of the summer, thousands of professionals flock to this one-of-a-kind spectacle of innovation, collaboration, and of course, you-know-you-gotta-have-it swag.

Whether you’re a Dreamforce rookie or one of the veteran vanguard, don’t worry. Our Dreamforce Survival Guide will ensure your experience is nothing short of fabulous. So read on, and get ready to discover new frontiers—and beyond!

The Dreamforce swag bag: for more than just goodies

First on your list: a versatile backpack or bag to store your haul—whether it’s stress balls, stickers, gadgets, or mugs. While you’re at it, toss in a reusable water bottle, a couple of power bars, and a paperclip for good measure. (You can’t predict when you might have to pull off a MacGyver move). Don’t forget to throw in a fresh T-shirt—you know, in case you do the coffee dance and the coffee wins.

Battery life = real life

Powerless—in every sense of the word. Let’s face it: Your phone dying at Dreamforce is a major disaster. Pack a portable charger, find an outlet before the keynote speaker takes the stage, and dodge that bullet like Neo in The Matrix.

Sole support: Keep those tootsies happy

You're going to be on your feet. A lot. It's like your own walkathon but without the finish line ribbon. Step out in your comfiest shoes, whether that's a pair of beat-up sneakers or cushiony Crocs (we won't judge). Compression socks help, too. And don’t forget the band-aids—you'll thank yourself later.

(M)app your adventure

Before leaving for San Francisco, get to know the Moscone Center as well as you know your phone’s passcode. Use the Salesforce Events app to plan your schedule and chart your course. Of course, if you’re really brave, you can simply wander around until you find something interesting, but keep your compass app on standby. Trust us, it’s easier to find Waldo than your next session in a crowded conference center.

The early bird gets the best seat

The universal law of conferences? The early bird doesn’t care about the worm—but it nabs the best seat and makes new connections at the same time. Clock in early before the start of sessions so you can chat with the person next to you. They could be your next big client.

Find your Zen zone

Dreamforce can feel like trying to sip water from a fire hose. If the noise starts to get to you, find a quiet zone, and take a moment to breathe, meditate, or possibly doze off behind your sunglasses. (No, we’re not judging.)

Eat smart

It’s easy to go overboard with all the yummy food options at conferences—but it’s best to treat your stomach right. To avoid sugar crashes of carb comas, be mindful of what you eat. And hey, with  all that ground to cover, it’s never been easier to get your 10,000 steps a day. You might even end your Dreamforce adventure a little fitter. Fitness while networking? Only at Dreamforce!

Catch some zzzs

Real talk? It’s Dreamforce. You probably won’t even see your bed. With endless activities, happy hours, parties, and Dreamfest to enjoy—plus, all of San Francisco to explore—sleep is optional. But try to take a nap every now and then, okay?

Be ready for rain

San Francisco’s whimsical weather is as unpredictable as the stock market. A light jacket or even an umbrella can be a lifesaver (despite having to check it at security at the Moscone Center). Nothing disrupts networking like showing up drenched from an unexpected downpour.


By now, you’re either really nervous or 100% in the spirit and ready to go. Keep in mind, though, that Dreamforce might lob unforeseen opportunities or challenges your way. But with our survival guide on hand, one thing’s for sure—you’ll be prepared, nimble, and always ready for a selfie.


Dreamforce—the Olympics of low code/no code, the Super Bowl of tech conferences, the Comic-Con for Trailblazers. It’s a full-on, multi-day immersion into the wonderful world of Salesforce. Each year at the end of the summer, thousands of professionals flock to this one-of-a-kind spectacle of innovation, collaboration, and of course, you-know-you-gotta-have-it swag.

Whether you’re a Dreamforce rookie or one of the veteran vanguard, don’t worry. Our Dreamforce Survival Guide will ensure your experience is nothing short of fabulous. So read on, and get ready to discover new frontiers—and beyond!

The Dreamforce swag bag: for more than just goodies

First on your list: a versatile backpack or bag to store your haul—whether it’s stress balls, stickers, gadgets, or mugs. While you’re at it, toss in a reusable water bottle, a couple of power bars, and a paperclip for good measure. (You can’t predict when you might have to pull off a MacGyver move). Don’t forget to throw in a fresh T-shirt—you know, in case you do the coffee dance and the coffee wins.

Battery life = real life

Powerless—in every sense of the word. Let’s face it: Your phone dying at Dreamforce is a major disaster. Pack a portable charger, find an outlet before the keynote speaker takes the stage, and dodge that bullet like Neo in The Matrix.

Sole support: Keep those tootsies happy

You're going to be on your feet. A lot. It's like your own walkathon but without the finish line ribbon. Step out in your comfiest shoes, whether that's a pair of beat-up sneakers or cushiony Crocs (we won't judge). Compression socks help, too. And don’t forget the band-aids—you'll thank yourself later.

(M)app your adventure

Before leaving for San Francisco, get to know the Moscone Center as well as you know your phone’s passcode. Use the Salesforce Events app to plan your schedule and chart your course. Of course, if you’re really brave, you can simply wander around until you find something interesting, but keep your compass app on standby. Trust us, it’s easier to find Waldo than your next session in a crowded conference center.

The early bird gets the best seat

The universal law of conferences? The early bird doesn’t care about the worm—but it nabs the best seat and makes new connections at the same time. Clock in early before the start of sessions so you can chat with the person next to you. They could be your next big client.

Find your Zen zone

Dreamforce can feel like trying to sip water from a fire hose. If the noise starts to get to you, find a quiet zone, and take a moment to breathe, meditate, or possibly doze off behind your sunglasses. (No, we’re not judging.)

Eat smart

It’s easy to go overboard with all the yummy food options at conferences—but it’s best to treat your stomach right. To avoid sugar crashes of carb comas, be mindful of what you eat. And hey, with  all that ground to cover, it’s never been easier to get your 10,000 steps a day. You might even end your Dreamforce adventure a little fitter. Fitness while networking? Only at Dreamforce!

Catch some zzzs

Real talk? It’s Dreamforce. You probably won’t even see your bed. With endless activities, happy hours, parties, and Dreamfest to enjoy—plus, all of San Francisco to explore—sleep is optional. But try to take a nap every now and then, okay?

Be ready for rain

San Francisco’s whimsical weather is as unpredictable as the stock market. A light jacket or even an umbrella can be a lifesaver (despite having to check it at security at the Moscone Center). Nothing disrupts networking like showing up drenched from an unexpected downpour.


By now, you’re either really nervous or 100% in the spirit and ready to go. Keep in mind, though, that Dreamforce might lob unforeseen opportunities or challenges your way. But with our survival guide on hand, one thing’s for sure—you’ll be prepared, nimble, and always ready for a selfie.