
4 ways to improve your Salesforce hotfix strategy with Prodly

Boost your Salesforce hotfix strategy with our latest guide, full of tips and tricks to make your life a whole lot easier. You’ll learn what a Salesforce hotfix is, when you need one, and why the conventional hotfix workflow is inefficient. We also explain the value of creating a production hotfix strategy before the next bug, then discuss 4 ways Prodly can help.

Salesforce hotfix strategy insights

Craft a bulletproof hotfix plan

Get the lowdown on developing a Salesforce hotfix strategy that not only patches things up—but also digs into what went wrong to stop history from repeating itself.

Prodly as your secret weapon

Be a DevOps superhero with Prodly—and quickly spin up a hotfix environment with high-quality test data.

Seamless patch promotion

Discover how to smoothly promote your patch to the big leagues—your production environment—without the usual hiccups.
Customer testimonial

Prodly offers automatic rollbacks which automatically roll back to the previous version of the software in case of a failure, minimizing downtime.

Neeraj S.
Salesforce Developer at global healthcare solutions provider