
Increase your Salesforce ROI with sandbox seeding

Are you looking for a faster method of sandbox seeding in Salesforce? How would you like to automatically seed data to development environments in just minutes?

Watch this fun video to learn what sandbox seeding in Salesforce is and why you should be doing it to accelerate your release management process. We’ll show you how to use pre-built automation templates and temporarily activate events to quickly and easily seed sandboxes. Watch all the way to the end, and you’ll see that we moved 5,700 records in less than 13 minutes!

Table of contents:

00:11 What is sandbox seeding in Salesforce?
00:21 All Salesforce customers should seed sandboxes
00:38 The limitations of Full and Partial Copy sandboxes in Salesforce
01:20 The benefits of sasandbox seeding
02:25 How to use the seed sandbox wizard
02:43 How to use pre-built deployment templates for sandbox seeding
03:09 How to select related objects to seed on the fly
03:57 How to filter data using an SOQL query
04:20 How to temporarily deactivate patform automations in destination environments
04:36 Tracking data movement in real time
04:54 Deployment results

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